Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Driver's Ed.

by M. Irving

I unscrewed myself from the cockpit of my Cooper S and promptly slipped on the slimy surface of the Road America clubhouse parking lot. The rain that had been pummeling the asphalt all morning had created a condition not amenable to graceful exits from tiny cars and, I suspect, the upcoming vehicular acrobatics. This iconic road course, carved into the wooded hills outside Elkhart Lake, Wisconsin, is an international racing destination (Indycar, SCCA, AMA) that also hosts several driving schools, including the renowned Skip Barber program that has launched the careers of many aspiring road warriors. My destination was RADS, the track’s own performance driving school, often a jumping off point for Michael Schumacher wannabes, but also for more practical minded motoring enthusiasts who want to hone their skills, often because they have caved to a delusional impulse to acquire a performance vehicle.

Doing anything above the level of competent execution, be it cooking, jogging and especially driving, conjures a competitive impulse when like-minded enthusiasts gather.  This became immediately apparent as the squad of damp, automobile-abusers shuffled into the clubhouse, shooting glances about and noting characteristics of attire, age and facial antics that might reveal degrees of competency and intent. Following this rutting ritual, a one-hour classroom session was launched by Skip Barber graduate (and local high-school teacher) Wade, who enthusiastically illustrated laws of physics and complex maneuvers on a dry marker board.  The age-diverse student body (eighteen male, two female) demonstrated their attentiveness by posing relevant but sometimes abstract queries such as, “If negative camber induces understeer, can the driver compensate by wearing shoes with a thicker sole?”  The class convened and we shuffled back out into the slop, chomping to demonstrate the practical application of theoretical constructs now embedded in our grey matter.

We climbed into our assigned machines that ranged from a Chevy Sonic to one of the track’s Corvette pace cars and paraded up the concourse to a Walmart-size expanse of water covered asphalt.  The next three hours consisted of negotiating a variety of orange cone courses designed to approximate real-life driving scenarios.  I soon discovered that their true purpose is to humble once confident boy (and girl) racers determined to showcase their prowess at high speed maneuvering.  And you can forget about being saved by newfangled stability control and ABS gizmos as they had been neutralized by the RADS autonerds. Several runs on each circuit, followed by instructor feedback (a mixture of encouraging advice and snarky admonitions), resulted in mixed degrees of frustration and improved laptimes.
The smaller, front-drive cars were surprisingly manageable in most of these maneuvers, but the Vettes were unruly beasts that were impossible to drive at their limits.  This was especially true on the 180 degree, high speed turn followed by quick slalom exercise (not sure what real-life situation this was supposed to approximate). Throttle determinations on the Vette were informed strictly by fear instinct.  Crashing into the heavily treed landscape beyond the edge of the asphalt seemed all to imminent when charging the target cone at 90mph in a 4,000 pound rocket-on-wheels.

My fave exercise had to be the spinout control maneuver.  It was also the least complicated, which may have something to do with my fave rating. The precipitation that stymied our efforts on the other courses was now a welcome lubricant as we regained control of spinning masses of Detroit fantasy-mobiles.  Imagine accelerating down a back-yard Slip-N-Slide the size of a tennis court with an out-of-work racecar driver perched next to you, his sweaty hand clamped on the ebrake handle, hell bent on inducing motion sickness. While negotiated a ninety-degree, high-speed turn, the handle was yanked, the rear wheels locked, and the car put into a wicked spin. “Don’t look where you’re going, look where you want to go.” was one of the favored directives, which I found to be in violation of my spinal range of motion when sliding in a direction opposite that of your intended trajectory. My best result was achieved by maintaining full throttle during this compensate-correct-compensate maneuver. The screaming engine and spinning tires stoked the chaos but the tactic was validated by my only best-of-group time.  

During these maneuvers, there were maybe a couple of moments when my brain flashed on one of the classroom dry marker illustrations.  Only subconscious remnants of these formulas, like Wiley Coyote hallucinations of Road Runner annihilation schemes, advised my responses. For the most part, it was pure instinct and split second decision-making: how much throttle, how late can I brake, what line do I take?  With five courses completed, we motored back to the clubhouse for a one-hour break of reflection, more opponent gazing, and grazing on tasty box lunches. The “Are we having fun yet?” refrain by Wade punctured the student chatter espousing the virtues and demons of the different vehicles, courses and instructors. 

The competition demons finally materialized in the day’s final event.  Each six-person group took turns flogging a VW GTI around the mini road course at the track’s NE corner.  Up until this point, my opponent was myself with victory determined by decreasing elapsed times for each course lap. We were now out to crush each other, not in a wheel-to-wheel skirmish, but by successive, solo runs of three laps each. Without exception, we had all improved throughout the day and even the 70-year-old retired accountant had adopted a more aggressive and studied manner. Dry conditions had finally materialized but it didn’t matter on the tight, meandering course. The name of the game was restraint when negotiating the chicanes but the temptation to pin the throttle and drift through the turns dominated.  The result was a thrill-drive, constantly on the edge of control.

Diplomas were distributed and subscriptions to Road and Track awarded to each of the four group members with the best lap times.  This was a remarkably civil bunch, considering the potential for at least a couple of reckless gear-heads to show up for a “high performance-driving program.” I witnessed only a couple of cone mashing deviations from the plotted courses with no off-track ventures or vehicle rolls.  Everyone seemed quite satisfied with the experience although a guy with a Slavic accent seemed incredulous that we had actually, willingly paid 350 bucks to spend six hours flogging perfectly good, performance cars around mini racetracks, in the rain, no less (his “experience” was a gift from his daughter.)

Many of the instructors were local farmboys who, instead of flipping burgers in their formative years, learned the driving-ropes from pros that descended on the rural Wisconsin racing Mecca every summer since 1955.  They meshed well with the active and ex-racers, all of them intent on imparting skills without advocating street-racing behavior. Wade’s parting words at the classroom debrief was an admonition to not use our newly learned skills “for evil.”  He then urged us to consider returning for the upcoming winter driving skills course or perhaps next spring’s Skip Barber racing program to subject ourselves to more serious challenges and exercises in humility.

Did I learn how to be a better driver? Probably, but I suppose I won’t really know until the next bozo plows into an intersection out of turn.  Instead of panic breaking into the a-hole, I will gracefully maneuver around him without losing a tick of speed. Yes, “performance” driving is fun, satisfying and imparting of a confidence that is invaluable when tangling with the motoring miscreants that populate our roads.  And even though I rhetorically agreed to not use my newfound skills “for evil,” a grin does cross my face when I nail a corner apex exactly where I want to, rolling on the throttle just enough to drift the turn exit while gathering, not losing speed.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

5 Steps to More Views on Youtube

Yes, 5 steps... did you think there would be more? Ok, ok, I'm not suggesting this is the complete guide to increasing the number of eyes on your youtube channel, or that once you complete the 5th step your views will go from 29 to 1,000,000. Youtube can sometimes seem like the lottery, with everyone hoping that their video will go viral, but it couldn't be more different. The videos below will explains some very helpful tips on how to reach more viewers. It will show you how to identify key words for your youtube videos, create a call to action, and give you some other tips like writing a transcript and creating backed links. So enjoy, and I hope this video helps you come closer to your marketing goals. Remember: Youtube is about ideas. 

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

How to Market Your Business

There are many challenges when it comes to marketing a business. The most common is: How to introduce the company to consumers, build relationships and promote a lasting brand? If you're the owner or apart of a marketing team, you are faced with these challenges on a daily basis. It's a full time job to market a business, and for larger corporations it requires even more time to do market research, environmental analysis, formulate strategies, plan and implement, and the list goes on. So, what is the solution? How can your business reach its market and provide results affordably?  

The Solution
Get a pencil and paper or open a word document and answer these questions. Once you've finished answering them, you'll have the answers to overcoming your marketing challenges.

- What is your goal? Yes, what is the overall goal of the business? Sure, it's to be financially productive... but what you're in search of is your company's identity and values. The first step towards marketing a company is to understand who and what it is.

- What does your company do for others?

- What are the company's values?

- What are the company's strengths?

- What are the company's weakness?

- In your opinion, what does the company need to do to become the type of enterprise you imagine or desire it to be?

- What is holding the company back?

- What makes you different? This is not a hard question... for some companies it's their history, for others it's the people and their training. For you it might be a mentality or process. I encourage you to be as detailed as possible.

The Tools 
There are many marketing tools, from a business card to a TV spot. Once a company truly understand who they are, what they stand for, and where they want to go. Deciding on a which tool (way of contact) to use becomes an easy decision.

- I work for i level media, a full video, animation, and interactive production house that's been around for over 20 years. It was started by Mark Irving in 1987 and was originally called Mark Irving productions. In 1993 it morphed into i level media when Jon Baade and Julie Olsen became partners with him.

- Our goal is you. We want to get to know you and your business. We want to serve you by creating content that connects with others. We seek to nurture your company and our relationship. We believe that if we can maintain this goal well continue to be a premiere production house that will make a difference in the world and the lives of others.

- Our company believes that ideas can be powerful; that they can spark motivation and inspire. We believe that video is an effective way to comunicate a company's history, products, services... that it can teach, change, and influence people. However, and possibly most importantly... video connects ideas and introduces people to companies, goods, and services. 

- i level's strengths are that it's a focused on their clients ambitions and works diligently to take them where they'ed like to go. i level media is a team of leaders that knows how to listen. It excel at creating content for TV, trade shows, training, PR, marketing, and it seeks lasting relationships with their clients.

- Weaknesses: Those are top secrets. :) 

- Our company needs you. If there is one thing that I'm certain is true... it's that nobody ever reaches their goals alone. In our company's case we need your business to continue to grow and develop, without it we cannot get to where we imagine. 

- I'm not sure I'm at liberty to discuss this on the internet.    

Please feel free to contact me with your questions and comments.


Isaiah Wells
Creative Director

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Facebook & Instagram: A Shared Experience

Recently, I was out to lunch with our Director Mark Irving and Producer Julie Olson and found ourselves chatting about Instagram. It's been a topic in our office lately because of it's growth within our community. We shared our thoughts on why its filters intrigue users and what it offers them. We determined that Instagram offers users a way to share themselves with a look of authenticity. Understandably, people love Instagram for it's ease of use... from taking a photo, applying an effect, and exporting it to their social networks, but it's what the app does to a photo that makes it amazing. It has an ability to transform an image into something that resembles the look and feel of film. As someone who studied film at a University, I'm not surprised by Instagram's lure. It allows people to connect with an internal desire to be original... to be organic. However, since our discussion in the little pizzeria, Instagram has been purchased by Facebook's owner Mark Zuckerburg, and the purchase has left some users outraged because their "organic experience" seems to be lost to corporate enterprise. So, where does this leave it's users?

Change can sometimes be a struggle, but at this point the biggest change for Instagram users is perception. In the hearts and minds of some, their sole love for Instagram was that it wasn't Facebook.  Even though nothing has changed with the application yet, it's caused many to delete their accounts in search of another way. They're left to search for a way outside of the current of mainstream media and onto a new social platform on finges social media. So should you delete your account or continue your efforts in creating one? At this point, I would encourage you to not loose sight of the larger picture. Yes, it's a part of a larger corporation now but that doesn't mean it's obsolete or bad. Instagram really couldn't be more relevant to interpersonal communication.

Here's an article by the NY Times for further thought. http://www.nytimes.com/2012/04/11/technology/facebook-plays-offense-and-defense-by-buying-instagram.html

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Instagram is making splash, and the business world wants to hang out with the cool kids again. In business image does matter and that's why businesses have met up with Instagram. Marketing shouldn't be dry and boring. When you tell a story, it's filled with excitement, sharp turns and hills that make your listener's stomach tingle. Right? Well, you can consider Instagram your friend that shows up at the party and changes everything. It's fun, witty and has the right looks.

The core of marketing and advertising hasn't changes but the tools have. Consumers want companies to connect with them directly. You can consider it customer service at it's best. If your business makes itself available to consumers; they'll probably be more apt to give honest feedback, tell others, and remain loyal. It's important to be sensitive to your customers needs, desires, and how they want to be talked to. How you communicate with your customers is what this is all about. What will make them respond with, "yes, I'm here"? Or "yes, I'm listening"? Instagram could be that tool for you. It's a direct way to instantly share a story that's worth a thousand words.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Broadcast Yourself

YouTube can work for your company, and here's how: The marketplace has shifted, and another realm exists where goods and services are sold around the clock. On the Internet you can search, find, share, download, export, buy, and sell. YouTube is a video hosting and sharing network were you can create your own channel and broadcast it. You can think of Youtube as a store within a shopping center, and the Internet is the mall that houses it all. Google Adplanner claims YouTube has over 490 million registered users and one third of them average 25 minutes a day. This means a lot of people "shop" on YouTube. What really makes it work for companies is the exposure beyond YouTube. Not only are your videos able to reach millions, but people can link your videos and embed them on other social media platforms. When a video goes viral, it's because it has been shared across several sites.

If you'd like to start a YouTube channel for your company, we have a video and interactive production team ready to produce the content that will make it successful. We want to share your company's ideas, services, and products in a creative way. Here is an example of how Starbucks Coffee is using YouTube. Enjoy!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Interactive Media Strategies

Enhancing Productivity With Web Video

by Isaiah Wells and Mark Irving

Video is everywhere so why are clients often reluctant or resistant to having video created for online outlets?  These are often the same clients who understand the effectiveness and necessity of promoting products and services via traditional media outlets and have realized the benefits of such exposure. As circulation and expense numbers for traditional outlets continue to decline, internet and portable device media are demonstrating effectiveness at reaching the segmented audiences that will respond more positively and in greater numbers then the broader audiences that consume traditional media.  The flip side of this promotion equation is the contention that, when on-line viewing numbers fall short of expectations, the value of the media production is suspect instead of what is usually the real culprit: absent or ineffective promotion? These are familiar questions to those of us engaged in creating on-line, multimedia content.  Steve Vonder Haar, Research Director, Interactive Media Strategies, focuses on the first question in his four part report on business communication and efficiency as related to online multimedia.  Part One of this report is excerpted below. Part Two will be posted on this blog next week.

I. Leveraging Video to Streamline Your Business

"Video is changing right before our eyes. No longer can it be thought of simply as the couch potato’s venue of choice for movies and television programming. Indeed, as technology advances make it possible to digitize and share video online, executives are finding an array of ways to put multimedia to work in their day-to-day business activities.

In this emerging world of corporate multimedia, think of Web video as a new type of data that can be integrated into a range of applications capable of enhancing an organization’s productivity. Presentations by executives can be distributed in real-time to hundreds – or even thousands – of employees and customers across the globe. Training sessions can be captured, stored and made accessible on an on-demand basis, giving workers the means to engage in on-the-job learning when and where they want. And even companies that cannot afford expensive primetime television commercials can employ the Web to deliver powerful, engaging video marketing messages directly to their target prospects.

Many companies still are experimenting with different ways to use Web video in order to squeeze more efficiency out of their on-going operations. New, creative applications of the technology are emerging every day, helping organizations achieve high returns on investment from their spending on the technology. Perhaps the only constant is that the longer executives are exposed to online multimedia and its capabilities, the more likely they are to view the technology as a platform for improving their organization’s productivity. In a survey of 1,212 corporate executives fielded by Interactive Media Strategies in the second quarter of 2008, executives were asked to “agree or disagree” with a statement describing expanded use of  Web communications technology as a development that helps a company become more efficient and productive.

Clearly, long-term familiarity with Web video fosters positive perceptions of its productivity potential. Fifty-five percent of executives at organizations that have deployed online multimedia for more than five years say they “strongly agree” with the notion that Web communications enhances productivity and creates efficiencies that boost the return on investment recognized from the deployment of Web video. At companies deploying the technology for less than a year, only 26% say they “strongly agree” that Web communications can promote greater efficiency. 

These results highlight a trend that is growing increasingly clear as adoption of online multimedia expands in the corporate sector. Web video is not a novelty technology that will fade in the years after its first implementation. Indeed, the opposite is true. As executives become more aware of the capabilities of Web video, they find new ways to leverage the technology to help them succeed in communicating in a richer – yet more cost-effective – way than was possible before."

Steve Vonder Haar, "How Online Multimedia Improves Communications and Fosters Business Efficiency," April, 2009

Friday, January 13, 2012

A Bug for the Uncommon Man

by Mark Irving

Volkswagen has matter-of-factly announced to the world that they intend to be the number one automaker by 2018, “economically and environmentally.”  The company further states that US sales volume needs to be 800,000 to meet this goal.  They seem to be on track with 256,000 unit sales in 2010 already being surpassed by 2011 unit sales of 404,900 through October.   All models in the VW inventory need to perform well in the US market to achieve this ambitious mandate, including the iconic Beetle.

The nostalgia boom of the late 20th century brought about a re-launch of classic automobile models. Re-styling existing or discontinued models, those with a strong cultural-historic link, have proven to be profitable if not by increased sales for the model, than by generating interest in the manufacturer’s brand. This was the case with the New Beetle, launched in 1998, that has appealed primarily to female buyers of diverse ages.  This “retro brand” was a re-launch of a historic model with contemporary features and styling enhancements.

VW is reaching out again with another contempo-retro metamorphosis (the New-New Beetle?) with strategically choreographed press releases, auto show appearances and web/broadcast commercials and videos. These media events, and the product itself, indicate an appeal to the young, male automobile consumer, an important target that was missed with the 98 model.  The show models are shiny black, resplendent with oversized alloy wheels and low profile tires that suggest sportiness and aggression while the squashed, lowered and widened classic shape reminds the potential buyer that this is a Bug on steroids.  Gone is the steering column flower vase, replaced by a gauge cluster that provides redundant measurements of mechanical functions being precisely monitored and controlled by the vehicle’s computer.  If your really squint, you can almost see the silhouette of the Porsche 356 that, like the original Beetle, was sculpted from the molten, material remains of a reconstructed Germany, but at opposite ends of the car-culture spectrum.  Both were preeminent and, ultimately, iconic models for the post-war generation.

The 2012 Beetle customer identity is best illustrated in the “High-5” launch commercial that premiered last September.  Gender and age identity markers are established early on with a profile shot of the car with driver: a 20-something, tastefully attired and groomed, male.  As the spot progresses, the driver self-consciously navigates through a cavalcade of urban settings populated by citizens in a variety of masculine situations (road crew, policeman on horseback, dog, bike racers).  His urban-bro identity is validated by the spontaneous high-fiving between driver and citizens.  Any suspicion that the curiously shaped vehicle might not be entirely masculine or unidentifiable is discounted by this gesture of acceptance and approval.  As approvals stack up, the driver’s demeanor evolves from self-consciousness to self-assuredness. Identity affirmed, the New-New Beetle owner is empowered by the recognition of not just his masculinity but also his status. Beetle-guy is collecting high-5 acknowledgements of a savvy purchase.

The car is an icon but with style, utility and expense attached relating directly to gender role in the consumption process. The display of functional, scientific, and performance features has replaced the decorative, aesthetic and gratifying aspects displayed in the launch of the 98 bug. This is not to say that the car manufacturer is promoting a stereotype of a gender-based demographic.  These are all positive attributes that happen to conform to tenacious associations between gender and role. The final frame of the commercial is a scene of the stylish, yet functional, rear of the car. Superimposed over the scene is “The all-new Beetle. That’s the Power of German Engineering.”

Scenarios of masculine identity fostering are supported by the big city scenics of a contemporary urban environment.  The narrative is a carefully crafted expedition through the curiously spotless but somehow daunting urban jungle as re-imagined by the producers.  It was hip and masculine to be urban in 60’s America just as urban renewal was getting underway. This was an adventure for upwardly mobile males just as their female counterparts were emigrating to the suburbs, usually with a reluctant spouse in tow. The urban landscape was perceived as a dangerous place, a “haven from domesticity” and something to be reclaimed.

Advertising continues to portray the urban lifestyle as an exercise in stylish living but also one of adventure and foreboding.  The urban world was (and is) a place defined as a spectacle of design and fashion, that is all about a cosmopolitan lifestyle. The sports car that was once used to commute, not from suburbia but from an urban apartment to the office, has been replaced by a more utilitarian, retro-contemporary vehicle that reflects a hipness that is more individual, masculine and less cliché. An automobile characterized by utility, economy and style. The VW Beetle is such a vehicle, one that I might line up for if I didn’t have to squint quite so hard to see the Porsche 356.

1)     Todd Lasa, “Volkswagen Plans for World Domination,” Motor Trend, (April, 2011)
2)     Stephen Brown, “Teaching Old Brands New Tricks,” Journal of Marketing, Vol. 67, No. 3, (July, 2003): 19.
3)     Dick Hebdige, “Object as Image: The Italian Scooter Cycle,” in The Consumer Society Reader (scanned): 125.
4)     Elizabeth Fraterrigo, “Pads and Penthouses,” in Playboy and the Making of the Good Life in Modern America (Oxford Press, 2009): 95.
5)     John Fiske, “Shopping for Pleasure: Malls, Power and Resistance,”  (1989): 317.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Production in 2012

by Isaiah Wells

A new year is upon us with new desires and ambitions on both personal and professional levels. So, how should we handle these emotions that emerge at the beginning of each New Year? Since we are motivated to move in a direction that we believe will enrich our lives and the lives of others, we will focus on how to turn these dreams into actions. There are two elements that will determine this course of action: setting a goal or destination and putting operative assets in place to arrive there. This will be the road map that will guide us through this year and we will continually look at the map to ensure that we are on course. So, what is our goal? Our goal is you! We want to make compelling media for you and your business and provide the ongoing service necessary to maintain it.  An intersection is an opportunity to change your path to arrive at your destination. If achieving your goals requires implementing effective media, then our paths need to cross.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

New Year!

Hello i level media fans, friends, and production enthusiasts...